5 Signs your AC needs to be repaired

5 Signs your AC needs to be repaired… Your air conditioner is crucial for keeping your business cool and comfortable, especially during the hot summer months. However, like any mechanical system, AC units can develop problems over time. Recognizing the signs early can prevent further damage and ensure your AC continues to work efficiently. Here […]

The Advantages of Ductless Air Conditioning

As the summer temperatures rise, many building owners and property managers begin to look for ways to keep their facilities cool and comfortable. A popular option for commercial HVAC systems in Michigan is ductless air conditioning. Ductless systems are an energy-efficient, cost-effective, and an easy-to-install alternative to traditional cooling systems. In this blog post, we’ll […]

Air Conditioning for Commercial Properties

One of the most significant expenses you deal with as a property manager is energy bills. And a significant contributor to that cost is your commercial property’s air conditioning system. Cooling systems keep your building comfortable and your tenants happy, but they come at a cost. However, there are ways to save on your air […]

Spring HVAC Maintenance

Spring HVAC

[kc_row use_container=”yes” force=”no” column_align=”middle” video_mute=”no” _id=”638395″][kc_column width=”12/12″ video_mute=”no” _id=”359513″][kc_column_text] Winter’s on its way out – what do you do with your HVAC system when it’s warm one day and chilly the next? HVAC maintenance is a year-round job, and the monthly tasks you complete will keep your heating and cooling systems healthy throughout every season. […]

Signs Your Michigan Cooling System Needs Work in 2021


Your HVAC system is one of the most important parts of your building—indoor air quality has a serious impact on employee health, happiness, and productivity—not to mention your energy bills. To see if you’ve got any issues on your hands, ask yourself if you’ve noticed any of the following: Strange smells and odors Rattling or […]

How Your HVAC System Reacts to the Michigan 2021 Summer Months


It’s almost June, and that means the hottest days of the year are on the horizon. With warmer weather outside, your HVAC will have to work to keep your space cool and comfortable. If you have a particularly noisy one, you may even hear it plodding along even though it’s on the outside of your […]

It’s Time to Start Thinking About Michigan Commercial Cooling in 2021


The trees are budding, the grass is poking through the ground, and the warm weather will be here before you know it. While this is good news for most, you might be dreading the warm days ahead if your air conditioning system barely made it through last summer. If your system is barely holding together […]

Beat the 2020 Michigan Heat and the Costs – Summer Building Automation


Our clients often come to us to ask how they can shave money off of their energy costs. It is estimated that America’s small businesses spend more than $60 billion a year on energy — are you contributing to a chunk of that through inefficient systems? There are a number of solutions for this issue. […]

Warming Weather and Your Michigan HVAC System 2020


As the weather warms up, summer is a time when everyone usually gives their HVAC system a bit of a rest. However, when the hotter weather of summer comes around, businesses are often victims of a failing air conditioning system. In our experience, more than 50 percent of all air conditioner failures are the result […]

Signs Your Michigan HVAC System is Costing You Money


Even the most resilient and technologically advanced HVAC systems don’t last forever. Over time, the wear and tear from normal use can slowly break down important components and fluids, causing added friction, heat, and reduced efficiency. In the end, without any kind of preventative maintenance, any system will stop working as it should. Worst case […]

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